North West Area Inclusion Partnership Phone: 0113 226 5454 ext 199 Email:

Fair Access Protocol (FAP)

Local Authorities are required to have a Fair Access Protocol (FAP), agreed by schools to ensure that access to education is secured quickly for vulnerable children who have no school place. The process also ensures that all schools in an area admit their ‘fair share’ of children who may present challenges to the school. (see ‘Admissions code’ in the download section of this site).

FAP applies to applications made outside the normal admissions round only and to all maintained schools within Leeds. All schools and academies share a collective responsibility to ensure that children, identified as being in a FAP category, are admitted on an equitable basis to a suitable school as quickly as possible. The Project Director chairs these monthly meetings between the local authority admissions team and senior school staff (The FAP categories can be viewed the download section of this site)